September 05, 2010

6 months!

Apparently i am supposed to be ALL THE WAY normal now.

thats what they say when you have been home from your mission for 6 months.

this girl sure has helped me.
love you boo.

and this guy.
couldnt ask for anyone better than mi brandon.

thank you for everything.
love. love. love.


  1. There are so many good things to say, I'll just tell myself it's because you couldn't fit all of that amazing business on one post.

  2. well im admitting this right here-i have begun to blog stalk you melanie! and i love your posts and your photos. and i like you, cat and brandon so i like this post too! we should hang out sometime soon!

  3. oh dont worry cat. more is coming your way!

    leigh! you are too cute.

    hanner. you never know! haha
