July 09, 2007

tomorrow is the night.

Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix.

i am a little obsessed. i am flying to Monrovia so i can be with my sister and friends who are also obsessed. it will be a great day tomorrow.
did i mention i have a wand? i do.
dark cherry, 10 1/2 inches, unicorn hair.


  1. semi. i had my wand Travis made me and i had a bottle cap necklace and radish earings in honor of Luna Lovegood.
    Have you seen it yet Sam? Its so good.

  2. After seeing this blog- i realized even more how much we're meant to be friends. I love you.

  3. it was def meant to be. thank you aaron. i love you both.

  4. I too have a wand. We should have a HP party before you go.
