October 31, 2010

happy halloween!

1. i LOVE the fall.
2. i LOVE dressing up.
3. equals i LOVE halloween.

except all the scary parts.
i am no bueno when it comes to demonic clowns.
just sayin.

when i was in college my halloweens included these little people.
i love them.
to the moon and back.
prob even more than that.

my last halloween before my mission.
this photo describes my little sibs so perfectly!

i spent my halloweens in spanish fork.
trick or treating with my 3 favs.

then i would go back to provo and dance it up.

omi is def my little princess.

she is usually the 1st to give up on trick or treating.
i usually ended up carrying her half way through it all.
i never minded.
i loved it.

i then went on a mission.
my 1st halloween 10.2008 was an interesting one.
one i will NEVER forget!

the POPPINGA family asked us missionaries to help at their annual halloween fundraiser.
these were the costumes they gave us.
devil worshipper. vegas showgirl.
sister hood. sister warner.


the next year 10.2009 i was in milwaukee with my sister plu.i.m.
in the WMM halloween is our deep clean day.
lock down for safety.

so we cleaned all day.
i got a halloween package from the warners.
everything was MINI.
i love when my fami does themed packages!

it was a lovely day of cleaning.

we lived with the best of the best.
the kozloskys.

mama & papa k are the most amazing.

papa k built us a fire and let us help pass out candy!
we of course retired to our rooms at 9pm.

now to the present day.
my first halloween home, back in normal land.

i got to dress up.
i got to dance.
i got to stay out till 1am.
more like 2 am i think it was.

this girl REALLY is the pepper to my salt.
"i love you cat."

fall. fun. festivities.

endless happiness!

October 28, 2010

Evelyn Gisele Allen


this is a very special day for the lives of 4 very amazing people.
daniel, lynzie, evelyn & heather.

what a blessing they all are for each other.

this little girl is very special.
very loved.
very blessed.

she was born while i was in the land of Wisconsin.
i remember that day very well.
i know my sweet sister heather does too.

thank you daniel and lynzie for the opportunity to meet you both and your beautiful children!

my sister heather is Ev's birth mother.
this is the most selfless act she has ever done.
placing her with the family that was intended to nurture and raise this beautiful daughter of God.

the allens story is amazing.
as well as my sisters.

it is something i think of often.

when sweet ev was about 4 months old the allens found out they were pregnant!
they had tried having children for over 5 years.
adopted little ev.
then got pregnant.

evelyn loves her little brother micah.

she is sealed to daniel and lynzie for time and all eternity.
what a blessing.

the Lord works miracles in our lives.
it is true.

this is proof.

i love you allen family.
i love you my sweet sister.
i love you evelyn gisele.

October 27, 2010

MHS - Circa 2003

lets take another trip down memory lane.

back to the MHS days.

i started swimming the summer before my freshman year at Monrovia High.
i thought i was going to die.
i was going to quit after the first hour.
a little voice told me no.
keep going.
so i did.

i am so grateful i did.

i swam all 4 years at MHS.

i played 2 years of h2o polo.
those were the days.

beating up girls. 
getting beat up as well.
quite fun!

the coolest part about all this is during my senior year at MHS i was at my uncles house talking about a game and he says, "oh ya your dad and i swam and played water polo in our day."


like it was no big deal?!
why didnt anyone tell me that before?

swimming and playing water polo is something that not only do i enjoy but i feel like i have more of a connection to my dad as well.

thank you family for finally telling me!

so ..

[circa 2003]

i was on fb a couple weeks ago and one of the girls i was captain for and coached the year after my graduation said something about water polo!

i jumped right on in that convo.
you are the best.

i havent played polo since 2004?!

i havent really swam since 2008?!

oh man.

am i dying right now?

i am feeling that workout this very moment and i will def MORE tomorrow.

i did not drown though.

ricky did get a black eye from coach mondo.
and it was fun having a little alumni reunions.

i loved being back in the pool.
at my alma matter.

oh how the memories flooded back.
i love that!

next week its on yet again.
go > fight > win

October 26, 2010

dear returning missionary ..

"Good things must come to an end so that better things can come."

President William A. Barrett
Wisconsin Milwaukee Mission
March 4th 2010

October 25, 2010

costumes. friends. loving life.

you are never TOO old to play dress up.

the g7 YSA ward hosted ..
Clue .. LIVE
this weekend.

how fun was it?!

we HOPED dressing up was encouraged.
our prayers were answered.

thank you thrift stores and grandmas!

1 was kidnapped.
[bishop price]

10 were suspects.

only 1 did it. with 1 weapon. in 1 room.

run and tell that homeboy!
we gonna find you.

our table failed.

we got the PLACE right at least! 
and that was a guess on our part.

oh well.
at least we looked good playing!

professer wing fooled us.
we didnt even know he was a suspect until we realized him missing at our table.
but he was not the culprit. 

1. not many people recognized Mr. Barlow.
[code name = Calvin Danger]

2. best thrift store find of a dress. 
[thank you arcadia]

3. this weekend was fun.
[just sayin]

i've decided ..
Catherine N. Card 
should dress like this everyday.

you know g7 is legit when Edward Norton comes to your activities!

oh. our fun did not end that night.

on Sunday eve Cat waxed 13 of our friends noses!
[message me on fb for your next appt. i am cats personal secretary. thank you.]

she is a pro. 
they will all vouch.

pretty sure g7 has the best looking noses around.

i am grateful for costumes. friends. life.


i am a blessed little lady.
to have such great friends.
a great family.
a wonderful life.

the mama pluim!

i've been thinking about this lovely sister missionary.

my mission daughter sister esther klaaske pluim

i got an email from her about 3 or 4 weeks back that had this photo attached!

she started training this transfer.
i shed some tears of joy as i saw this photo.

i remember my sister pluim coming into the chapel her first hours in the beautiful state of wisconsin.

i was SO excited to be her mama.

what a blessing it was to serve with her for 4.5 months.
she taught me so much.
[all of my companions did!]

sister maughan you are one lucky missionary!

October 20, 2010

i own a bike.

i ride said bike everyday.
that was a lie.

my mom will take me to work if i am going to the LA Temple after work or in case of bad weather.

marmie & i have talked about what will happen when the weather gets bad.
the only solution that has come: investing in a poncho.

im thinking red.
match the spokes of my bike.

this whole week has been a rainy one in LA.

i went to work tuesday morning.
on my bike, no rain.

by the time i was done it was bad.
marmie picked me up.

she also took me to work this morning.
what a nice woman she is.

i decided the weather was not too horrible to ride my bike home. 
so thats what i did today.

i rode my bike home in the rain.

it was refreshing actually.
a misty light rain.

the air smelled so clean.

i enjoyed.

i own a bike.
i do like to ride it everyday.
now rain or shine.

i need to remember this.

i got this quote from the GB Robertsons.
i love it.

i put it on the wall at the Kozlosky House in the MKE.
i miss you my K fami.

and those are sister pluims drawings of the fami.
of course we are in the fami too.

i heart wisconsin.

i heart the restored gospel of jesus christ.

October 19, 2010

you picked me ..

i just fell in love with this song.

thank you pandora.

October 17, 2010

TWINS > TWINS > TWINS continued ..

 did i mention how much i LOVE my twins?
[a week later and i finish their birthday post!]

i am going to take you on a photographic journey of our growing up.
just some funny photos i found.
also to embarrass.

i guess because i was the "single" & the baby sister i got a little special treatment.
only once in a while.
my sisters shared part of THEIR birthday with me!
at least this birthday they did.
chuckie cheese style.

my dad had just passed away a couple weeks before this.
my family made my big sisters birthday special.
and included me too.
my sisters got the happy birthday hats at least.
the WARNERS are amazing.
they helped my mom & us SO much after my dad died.

we were blessed to have the warners around as we grew up.

i miss those sweet clothes!

lets fast forward a little ..

we were blessed to have missionaries come by this home when i was 10.5 & the twins were 12.

we were baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

some facts about the warner girls.

we didnt travel much growing up.
when we did, this is what is looked like.

L being the sweet big sister she is decided to help H out. 
[check out those headphones!]

us girls LOVE to sleep.
especially in cars.

and me being the little sister i was the designated pillow.

L you might HATE me for this next one.

i WILL admit L & I loved eminem.
let all the judgements start.
we had 3 posters of him in our room.

and we loved rachel watson.
i actually thought i was in this photo but i guess i was not.

secrets out.
we loved him.

we also loved church dances.

and pagers.
old school and nerdy you can say.
L's pocket!

going to MHS together was FUN.
the "warner sisters" dropped off year after year though.

L graduated MHS 2001.
i know what you are thinking.
ONLY laura graduated?
they are twins. they are in diff grades.
[also notice L is doing the 2001 class gang sign. just sayin.]

then H & I were left.

it was interesting to NOT have L there but we survived.
L always did our hair for us too.
good job & thank you!

i always wanted to get in on the twin sister action.
sometimes i was lucky enough to!
thanks for indulging me H.

spring of 2002 we were sealed as an eternal family in the Los Angeles Temple.
greatest day.

i will always remember this day.
so many blessings have come since.

H graduated from MHS class of 2002.
then i was the only warner left.
i ruled the school.

i graduate the following year.
MHS class of 2003.

pretty sure mama warner was happy to be done with that!

then we grew up even more ..

we celebrated the twins 21st in San Fran.
[why didnt i find a photo with the bridge?!]
what a FUN trip that was.
besides the fighting.

this photo was taken right after H wouldnt get in the car with L & I.
well she finally did.
after an hour of sitting outside in the fog.

we really do love each other.

good mems from that trip!

L & I worked at Chilis Bar & Grill with each other for a total of almost 5 years.
shoot me.
morning meeting for servers?
pretty sure they were teaching us something about the micro system.

L also decided to move to UTAH with me.
it lasted 4 months.
it was a good 4 months.
thank you.

H only ever came to Utah to VISIT.
never live.
she preferred the HOT of the AZ.
has been there since 2005?
i think.

MORE growing up happened.
life happened.

we lived in different states.
did different things.

the constant was that ALL 3 of us always knew when we needed each other.
its not just a twin connection.
its a warner sister connection.
if something ever happened to one of us the other 2 would be there ASAP.

my twins are the greatest.
best sisters.
best friends.


October 14, 2010

cousin hannah marie warner

my little girl is all grown up. 
where did the time go?

i have 1 cousin.
crazy i know.

ok. 1 on my dads side.
still a little crazy.

miss hannah marie warner
we like to call her the miracle child.

my uncle had cancer.
he had his last shot of chemo the day my sisters were born.

i know there is more to the story but i was not even a twinkle in the eye.
nor was my cousin.

my uncle has been in remission ever since.

my uncle steven and my aunt lisa are like another set of parents to us.
they def had their hands full with us warner girls.
they would take us for weekends and we loved it.

hannah was born when i was 7 years old.

i was hannahs babysitter [FAVORITE] i might add!
when she was 5 and i was 13.

we would play with her life size barbie doll.
[which scared Heather to death one time!]

we would eat turkey and avocado sandwiches with cokes.
we would watch movies together.
play in the backyard.
endless fun.

no wonder i was the fav!

that was when she was 5.

where did the time go?

now we talk about boys. hair. clothes.

we share very similar "warner" characteristics.

here is to name a few:

*our shortness
i am 5'3" and hannah is 5'1" [i might be generous on that one for her!]
everyone else in our fami is TALL.

*our fat feet
we call them the flinstone feet. and we have really webbed toes.

*long blonde hair
well hannah still carries that one for us both!

*our randomness
you get us two together. there is no stopping it!

*our love of coke
hers is regualr. mine is diet. but still much love.

my sweet hannah supported me through her fun photographic letters while i was in the WIS.
i missed her and ALL my fami so much.

its weird to be the ONLY warner girl in monrovia.
thats never happened before.

hannah is rockin it at THE UNIVERSITY OF REDLANDS.
she is SO smart.

she is the only one that calls me MELL MELL [notice the 2 L's]

she did it when she was 5 and does it when she is 18 and I LOVE IT.

cousin. you are grown up.
i am so glad i got to be a part of that experience.

i am glad we have bonded over the years.
i am glad we are the same size.


congrats on being a HS Grad and now a COLLEGE STUDENT!

wow. oh wow. is all i can say.

BCF [best cousin forever]
thank you for the acronym my mama hood!